I use GPRS WRX700-R http://gsm-gate.ru/product/gprs-terminal-teleofis-wrx700-r/ and it's program
(Sorry it is in Russian)
You can write ip and port address to send bytes to the server. I write ftp ip and port number of my server. And it sends data. But on the server, I don't know where this bytes come. Can I write program on server that open sockets and get these bytes? If yes, how?
How to save GPRS data on server?
585 views Asked by Ali Ismayilov At
You can use a simple web server for example WEBrick to listen certain port. Ruby code would be(http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0/libdoc/webrick/rdoc/WEBrick.html):
Then you can take request and do whatever you want with the data sent: