How to run logstash in batch file with space in path?

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I am trying to to run Logstash as a service in Windows. It works fine when given a path that has no space, but when I give a path that does have a space in it I am unable to run Logstash successfully.

In my batch file I've used "",'',""" """,\" \" to handle spaces.

Here is the code:

 set USER_INSTALL=D:\test logstash
    echo  Going to start logstash.
    cd "%USER_INSTALL%\logstash-5.5.2\bin"
    nssm install mySERVICE "%USER_INSTALL%\logstash-5.5.2\bin\logstash.bat" -f %CONFIG_FILE_NAME%
    nssm set  mySERVICE AppDirectory "%USER_INSTALL%\logstash-5.5.2\bin"
    nssm mySERVICE Start 

I've also tried to run Logstash directly from command line:

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\dryrun9-7-2017\test agent\agent\bin> .\logstash.bat -f shipper.conf

This gives an error that the system cannot find the path specified.


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