I want to record audio with Superpowered SDK on my rooted Android Q device.
As Google has put some restrictions on recording Audio on Android Q so I am trying to port Superpowered SDK Android Example into a Linux executable that I can run on system space bypassing the Android Apps restriction. Please let me know if I am wrong at this point.
For this I have created a simple project with the main class as the following:
#include <string>
#include <OpenSource/SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO.h>
#include <Superpowered.h>
#include <SuperpoweredSimple.h>
#include <SuperpoweredRecorder.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
static SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO *audioIO;
static Superpowered::Recorder *recorder;
// This is called periodically by the audio I/O.
static bool audioProcessing(
void *clientdata, // custom pointer
short int *audio, // buffer of interleaved samples
int numberOfFrames, // number of frames to process
int samplerate // current sample rate in Hz
std::cout << "------- Processing Audio...numberOfFrames:" << numberOfFrames << " audio:" << *audio << std::endl;
float floatBuffer[numberOfFrames * 2];
Superpowered::ShortIntToFloat(audio, floatBuffer, (unsigned int)numberOfFrames);
recorder->recordInterleaved(floatBuffer, (unsigned int)numberOfFrames);
return false;
// StartAudio - Start audio engine.
void startAudio(
unsigned int samplerate,
int buffersize,
const char *temp,
const char *dest)
false, // enableAudioAnalysis (using SuperpoweredAnalyzer, SuperpoweredLiveAnalyzer, SuperpoweredWaveform or SuperpoweredBandpassFilterbank)
false, // enableFFTAndFrequencyDomain (using SuperpoweredFrequencyDomain, SuperpoweredFFTComplex, SuperpoweredFFTReal or SuperpoweredPolarFFT)
false, // enableAudioTimeStretching (using SuperpoweredTimeStretching)
false, // enableAudioEffects (using any SuperpoweredFX class)
false, // enableAudioPlayerAndDecoder (using SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayer or SuperpoweredDecoder)
false, // enableCryptographics (using Superpowered::RSAPublicKey, Superpowered::RSAPrivateKey, Superpowered::hasher or Superpowered::AES)
false // enableNetworking (using Superpowered::httpRequest)
// Initialize the recorder with a temporary file path.
recorder = new Superpowered::Recorder(temp);
// Start a new recording.
dest, // destination path
samplerate, // sample rate in Hz
true, // apply fade in/fade out
1 // minimum length of the recording in seconds
std::cout << "Initializing audioIO..\n";
// Initialize audio engine with audio callback function.
audioIO = new SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO(
samplerate, // native sampe rate
buffersize, // native buffer size
true, // enableInput
false, // enableOutput
audioProcessing, // process callback function
nullptr // clientData
// StopAudio - Stop audio engine and free audio buffer.
void stopRecording()
std::cout << "Deleting IO\n";
delete audioIO;
// Wait until the recorder finished writing everything to disk.
// It's better to do this asynchronously, but we're just blocking (sleeping) now.
std::cout << "Finishing..\n";
while (!recorder->isFinished())
// __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Recorder", "Finished recording.");
std::cout << "Deleting Recorder\n";
delete recorder;
// onBackground - Put audio processing to sleep if no audio is playing.
void onBackground()
// onForeground - Resume audio processing.
void onForeground()
int main(int, char **)
std::cout << "Hello, AudioRecorder!\n";
unsigned int samplerate = 48000;
int buffersize = 192;
const char *temp = "/system/recording/temp.wav";
const char *dest = "/system/recording/final.wav";
std::cout << "Starting recording::"
<< "\n\tsamplerate:" << samplerate
<< "\n\tbuffersize:" << buffersize
<< "\n\ttemp:" << temp
<< "\n\tdest:" << dest
<< std::endl;
startAudio(samplerate, buffersize, temp, dest);
std::cout << "Starting thread to stop recording...\n";
std::thread stopThread(&stopRecording); // thread starts running
std::cout << "Stoping recording...\n";
stopThread.join(); // main thread waits for the thread t to finish
std::cout << "Returning from main\n";
return 0;
I am trying to record a 1 minute audio with the above code. But I can't get any call to audioProcessing
function. When I run the above code then I get the following output:
OnePlus7Pro:/system # ./xbin/audio_recorder
Hello, AudioRecorder!
Starting recording::
Initializing audioIO..
Starting thread to stop recording...
Stoping recording...
Deleting IO
130|OnePlus7Pro:/system # cd recording
OnePlus7Pro:/system/recording # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2020-01-08 12:34 temp.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2020-01-08 12:34 temp.wav.txt
After "Finishing.." it doesn't print "Deleting Recorder" so there is some issue in the code but I am not getting it.
I am an Android Developer and new to c++. Is there anyone who can guide me?