How to put a custom container I've created into library so it could be initialized like any other container (like std::vector for instance)?

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Below is the code of header files for my container which is a heterogeneous vector.

// HVElemVar.hh 
#pragma once
#include <variant>
// contains headers of types that will be stored in the container
#include <Type1.hh>
#include <Type2.hh>    

using myVariant = std::variant<Type1, Type2>;

// HVElem.hh
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <HVElemVar.hh>

class HVElem
    HVElem( myVariant newData );
    myVariant getData();
    myVariant data;

// HVector.hh
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
#include <HVElem.hh>

class HVector: public std::vector<HVElem>
    void push(myVariant newData);
    void show();

In this code, I use HVElemVar.hh to declare types stored inside each HVElem of HVector. The issue is that I might need multiple HVector's with a different set of types in the same program. Basically I want to be able to do this:

std::vector<Type1> v1;
HVector<Type1, Type2> v2; // just  like with normal std::vector  
HVector<Type3, Type4> v3; // another HVector but with different types inside
  1. How can I make HVector able to be initialized like normal std::vector?
  2. Can I put myVariant inside HVElem and change it's value when class is contructed?

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