Given a department needs a committee to select the department’s head. The committee cannot include people who have conflicts of interest with each other. The input consists of:
- the desired committee size
- a list of all people
- a list of all pairs of people that are conflicted.
The goal is to determine whether there’s a conflict-free committee of that size.
How can I show that this problem is NP-complete and is in NP?
NP proofs usually show equivalence with a know NP problem. See for example Karp's 21 NP-complete problems. SAT is the one most used (see also the Cook-Levin theorem). You could try to create logic gates using a small number of people, where for one person being a committee member depends on the membership of two other persons. This is for example how NP proofs work for games like Conway's Game of Life and for Morpion solitaire.