I would like to parallelize the following rollapply in order to make it faster:
Function for rollapply
euclidiansum <- function(x) sum(((standardize(x[,"Passenger.x"]) - standardize(x[,"Passenger.y"]))^2))
tidyverse_rolling_euclidian <- pairwise_combos %>%
group_by(vehiculetype) %>%
tq_mutate(mutate_fun = rollapply,
width = 50,
FUN = euclidiansum,
by.column = FALSE,
col_rename = "Euclidiansum")
Example data (very reduced example)
df <- read.table(text = "
vehiculetype, Passenger.x, Passenger.y
1, 400, 700
2, 420, 100
2, 210, 300
2, 100, 100
2, 400, 100
1, 800, 70
1, 300, 40
1, 10, 200
1, 50, 10
2, 90, 30",
sep = ",", header = TRUE)
Do you know how I can speed up the calculation?
Thank you very much.