How can one prevent Pusher from automatically pushing all the piled up messages to the client after the client eventually goes online after being offline, i.e. after the client re-establishes the connection?
How to not receive the accumulated pushes from Pusher after returning online?
347 views Asked by mcmlxxxiii At
There are 2 answers
Pusher doesn't presently buffer messages to be delivered upon reconnection. So the functionality described in the questions isn't something an application needs to consider right now.
Future releases may contains something called Event Buffer which will offer this functionality. Documentation will be released around that time to detail how to avoid receiving buffered events.
After exchanging messages with a Pusher support enginner, the issue became more clear.
The connection may still be opened even when the laptop gets asleep (this behaviour varies among computers). Thus, after waking up, it may still be connected. (This is exactly what happened in my case so that everything looked like Pusher pushed the accumulated messages.)
However, the default activity timeout is 120s, and the time to wait for a pong response before closing the connection is 30s. So, allowing it around three minutes would make the client disconnect completely, and the behaviour I encountered would not take place.