How to make buttons fill vertically in a NSStackView with a fixed height

1.9k views Asked by At

enter image description here

The NSStackView shown above has top/leading/trailing constraints, a proportional height to its superview, and is set to Align Top and Fill Equally. I want to have the buttons stretch vertically to fill the height of their stack view. How can I configure this with a NSStackView? Or do I have to add constraints on the buttons?


There are 2 answers


I solved my problem by setting top/bottom constraints on the buttons to the stack view. I don't think there is a way to configure an NSStackView to do what I want.

So a UIButton fills the height of the UIStackView if the UIStackView's alignment is set to fill. An NSStackView does not have a fill property for alignment and AFAIK, can't make an NSButton do the same thing

Darrarski On

As you already noticed, it's not possible using NSStackView. It lacks fill alignment, available for UIStackView.

However, there is a much more powerful UI component in AppKit:

NSGridView -

You can customize alignment for each row and column, including "fill" mode.