I am working on an android app that receives content from another apps sharing it via an android intent. I did the intent filter to receive the shared content into the app, but I saw that apps like Pocket made that without leaving the original app with an overlay over the app and I don't know how to do that. Does anyone know how to do that or give me some hints?
How to make an overlay when sharing into app in android?
1.2k views Asked by jesusbotella At
There are 3 answers

I would look at the WindowManager
Here is a link to a question that better explains what it is:

After receiving your Intent, you should start a Service which create and attach your View/ViewGroup on the Window. This will allow you to keep the calling application in foreground.
To create a floating overlay take a look here: http://www.piwai.info/chatheads-basics/
Start activity that has transparent theme with following attributes (test this on API 18 for bug):
Set child elements as you desire, as you would do in normal activity.