How to loop in a Yaml file calling SQLFluff lint for each file that has changed

194 views Asked by At

I am answering my own question bc I couldn't find a str8 answer anywhere and if I can help others then I can pay back where some have helped me.

All of the syntax below has been tested and what I am using now so you should be able to copy/paste it into your CICD provided you have installed SQLfluff in the docker image and can access your git repo within the pipeline (reference credentials).


- echo "SQL Fluff Job Script section"
- sqlfluff --version

#set this to 0 so if the linter doesn't fail then its a 0 (known value)
- SQLFluffStepStatusFail=0

# iterate over all of the incoming changes (diff between last commit and this feature branch calling the linter with tsql dialect, nofail (for now) and get the output (/1 to check))
- |
    for file in $( git diff --name-only $CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA $CI_COMMIT_SHA -- *.sql ); 
        sqlfluff lint $file --dialect tsql --annotation-level warning --disable-noqa --nofail && SQLFluffStepStatus=$(echo $?) || export SQLFluffStepStatus=1
        if [ "$SQLFluffStepStatus" != 0 ];
            # We just need to know 1 failed but iterate through all so when the dev look at the resulting 
            # output he/she sees all of it rather than having to keep running to see future failures

# now check if there were any failures and send the message if needed and stop the PL
- |
   if [ "$SQLFluffStepStatusFail" != 0 ];
      echo "SQLFluffStepStatusFail $SQLFluffStepStatusFail"
      chmod +x
      ./ "$teamsurl" "$title" "$failcolor" "$failbody"
       exit 1

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