We are trying to build a alexa skill for our office building so that an echo dot is deployed at the entrance of each floor and help people identify the directions of washrooms and conference rooms and many other. We were sucessful in implementing it.
I would like know how can we utilize same service for multiple floors how can i know in alexa skill set from which echo dot my skill set is being called.
lets say if user ask for washroom directions. Alexa needs to identify he is in first floor and tell him to take left. if he is in second floor it needs to tell him take right.
Regards Kalyan
If devices aren't going to move (ever or often), I would look at the Device ID.
Amazon recently added the Device ID (unique across all devices) to the LaunchRequest JSON payload.
I would have one Skill that looks at the requesting device ID (context.device.deviceId) and delivers the correct answer based on the context.
Obviously, you'd need to manage a mapping between floor and device ID, and update that if the device ever moves.