I want to apply a different rising and falling delay to a signal using the following code:
timeunit 1ns;
timeprecision 1ps;
parameter real delay_en_rising_us = 100.0; // means 100us
parameter real delay_en_falling_us = 300.0; // means 300us
logic en;
logic en_delayed;
if ($realtime == 0)
en_delayed = en;
else if (en)
en_delayed <= #(delay_en_rising_us*1us) en;
en_delayed <= #(delay_en_falling_us*1us) en;
The Scenario 1 shows the results which are looking good.
However, if I change the delays like this:
parameter real delay_en_rising_us = 100.0; // means 1000us
parameter real delay_en_falling_us = 1500.0; // means 1500us
Then the results are like shown in Scenario 2 which are not what I was expecting and trying to achieve.
Actually, the falling delay of 1500us at signal "en_delayed" should be immediately canceled or interrupted if the signal "en" goes high. See following picture showing the expected behaviour.
In summary, if there is a delay which has not completed and the signal "en" suddenly changes then that uncompleted delay should be immediately interrupted.
Thank you very much for any suggestion.
Below is the code for simulation.
module top;
timeunit 1ns;
timeprecision 1ps;
// This is working fine
parameter real delay_en_rising_us = 100.0; // means 100us
parameter real delay_en_falling_us = 300.0; // means 300us
// This is not working fine or as expected
//parameter real delay_en_rising_us = 100.0; // means 1000us
//parameter real delay_en_falling_us = 1500.0; // means 1500us
logic en;
logic en_delayed;
if ($realtime == 0)
en_delayed = en;
else if (en)
en_delayed <= #(delay_en_rising_us*1us) en;
en_delayed <= #(delay_en_falling_us*1us) en;
//initial begin
initial fork
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
//en = 0;
//#100us en = 1;
//#1000us en = 0;
//#3000us en = 1;
en = 1;
#1000us en = 0;
#2000us en = 1;
#5000us $finish;
I think you need code like below. en_delayed will be 1'b0 at time 0ns in this.