I have a UVM scoreboard that has multiple checks that cause `uvm_error
I would like to automatically intercept the uvm_error and dump the contents of my scoreboard. Other engineers will be adding checks to the scoreboard (and its children), so the callback should be as transparent as possible.
Simple example for what I'm trying to do:
task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
// How to do an automatic sb.dump_contents() callback?
`uvm_error("ERROR", "scoreboard caught an error");
function void dump_contents();
$display("The queue contents of my scoreboard.");
You can simulate and modify the above example on EDA Playground: http://www.edaplayground.com/s/4/549
What is the UVM recommended way to do this? Can someone share working code?
You want to set up a report_catcher. this intercepts the report and you can either add the dump to the message string, or put it in a separate message. And to make the report easier to catch, you should use a unique Message ID like "SBERRDMP" to catch ScoreBoard ERRors that add a complete DuMP.
Then in some phase of your scoreboard, you add this catcher to the callback list