changes from value 0 to 1 then from 1 to 2 and so on till 15, but not on consecutive sampling points. I sample on every clock cycle, but the value might change after some arbitrary clk
cycles. The transition coverage I write does not work. Can we write transition coverage for this case?
bit [3:0] var_1;
var1: coverpoint var_1
bins var_1_trans_bin = (0=>1=>2=>3=>4=>5=>6=>7=>8=>9=>10=>11=>12=>13=>14=>15);
bins var_1_bin[] = {[0:15]};
I see that the var_1_bin
is getting covered 100% but not the var_1_trans_bin
Here is the whole code:
module GRG_coverpoint;
bit [3:0] var_1;
bit Running;
bit clk;
// Example showing bins and transitions
covergroup CG1 @(posedge clk);
coverpoint var_1
bins var_1_trans_bin = (0=>1=>2=>3=>4=>5=>6=>7=>8=>9=>10=>11=>12=>13=>14=>15);
bins var_1_bin[] = {[0:15]};
initial begin
automatic CG1 cg1_inst = new;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
var_1 = j;
$display ("CG1 Coverage = %.2f%%", cg1_inst.get_coverage());
Running = 0;
initial begin
clk = 0;
Running = 1;
while (Running) begin
#5 clk = ~clk;
$display ("Finished!!");
As you realized, you do not want to sample coverage on every clock cycle. You want to sample it only when
changes value. You can declare thecovergroup
without the optional coverage_event (@(posedge clk)
in your case), then call thesample
method in a separate procedural block every time the variable changes: