How to get sprint or iteration details of a project in rtc jazz using OSLC

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Can any one help me to get the list of iterations and sprints in that and workitems in that sprint using oslc or REST call


There are 2 answers

Zubaidullo Niimatullo uulu On


I had also this problems solved by this way. Try it.
It returns list of Open Sprints.

If you want to search for closed sprints in the future, you can use the following parameter in the above call:

VonC On

This thread reports that querying iterations might be a bit tricky:

For the purpose of obtaining iteration for specific development line. Reporting Rest I/F may helps.[developmentLine/name='RTC V4.0.6 Development']/(id|name|developmentLine/name)

This yields some thing like:

<iteration> <developmentline> <name> <iteration>
    <developmentline><name>RTC V4.0.6 Development</name></developmentline>
    <id>Sprint 2</id>
    <name>Sprint 2</name>
</iteration> </name> </developmentline> </iteration>

Unfortunately, iteration belongs to development line, so we have to query developmentLine using like:|projectArea/name)

For the brief introduction to reportable RestAPI, refer to this web pages.

Good feature of this reports API is that we can query by name, not uuid of objects.