How to get an AWS Feature Store feature group into the ACTIVE state?

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I am trying to ingest some rows into a Feature Store on AWS using:

feature_group.ingest(data_frame=df, max_workers=8, wait=True)

but I am getting the following error:

Failed to ingest row 1: An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the PutRecord operation: Validation Error: FeatureGroup [feature-group] is not in ACTIVE state.


There are 2 answers

rudolfovic On BEST ANSWER

It turns out the status of a feature group after its creation is Created but before you can ingest any rows you need to simply wait until it's Active:

while status != 'Created':
            status = feature_group.describe()['OfflineStoreStatus']['Status']
        print('Offline store status: {}'.format(status))    
RichardB On

I ran into the same problem, contrary to what the error message says it was actually a permissions error. Adding the "AmazonSageMakerFeatureStoreAccess" permission to the role that's running the code, and then rerunning it worked for me.