Edit: I have not resolved this problem yet but this post could be really useful in this kind of problems:
How to fix your Maven problems
I did svn checkout of my maven project to directory MainDirectory. Everything went well.
Next, I went to MainDirectory and I run command
mvn clean package
I went to directory of my project MainDirectory/MyProject and I run the same command, once again it worked well.
I run Eclipse and I wanted to import "Existing Maven Projects". I chose MainDirectory as RootDirectory and I got a warning:
I clicked next and I saw few errors:
Anyhow, I clicked finish (because of Action: Resolve Later)
I was waiting few seconds and I saw this error:
but my projects are visible in Project Explorer.
I was carrying on. I imported second "Existing Maven Projects" - MainDirectory/MyProject. This time, I had no warning. I clicked next and errors appeared:
I clicked finish and another error appeared:
Anyhow, new project exists now in Project Explorer.
I went to Project->Clean and I chose all my projects. Once again I got an error:
Finally, I tried Maven->Update Project and another error appeared:
I was trying to clean somehow my local repo but I am not sure if I did it correctly.
Finally in Eclipse I see errors as below:
In fact, I have already done this procedure once few days ago and everything worked perfectly.
When I run my application:
mvn jetty:run
It works perfectly.
Thank you in advance
I have already got this problem, please make sure that the configuration file path of maven is correctly set in your eclipse ? If you install maven by yourself it is setting with a default path which might not be the same as yours.
Check the following screen to check if you have the good settings, to go here just go to window->preference and type maven in the type filter :