I am trying to execute a SQL query on SYBASE database using shell script.
A simple query to count the number of rows in a table.
[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc.local ] && . /etc/bash.bashrc.local
. /gi/base_environ
. /usr/gi/bin/environ
. /usr/gi/bin/path
ISQL="isql <username> guest"
count() {
set nocount on
set chained off
select count(*) from table_name
echo "VAL : $VAL"
echo $VAL | while read line
echo "line : $line"
The above code gives the output as follows
VAL : Password:
line : Password: ----------- 35
Is there a way to get only the value '35'. What I am missing here? Thanks in advance.
The "select count(*)" prints a result set as output, i.e. a column header (here, that's blank), a line of dashes for each column, and the column value for every row. Here you have only 1 column and 1 row. If you want to get rid of the dashes, you can do various things:
As for the 'Password:' line: you are not specifying a password in the 'isql' command, so 'isql' will prompt for it (since it works, it looks like there is no password). Best specify a password flag to avoid this prompt -- or filter out that part as mentioned above. Incidentally, it looks like you may be using the 'isql' from the Unix/Linux ODBC installation, rather than the 'isql' utility that comes with Sybase. Best use the latter (check with 'which isql').