I'm trying to use this plugin http://valums.com/ajax-upload/. I added a file-limit, I want to disable the upload button (not hide, just disable). E.g.
//Disable the "Upload a file" button
So, if the user will try to upload another file, he should see a message that the limit is exceeded. Can you look at this plugin and help me?
The button is not a form button, it is a div with css.
var btnUpload=$('#<?=$filesManagerCode?>upload');
new AjaxUpload(btnUpload, {
action: '<?=$boxLink?>actionMode<?=LDTR?>addfile',
name: 'uploadFile[FilePath]',
onSubmit: function(file, ext){
btnUpload.attr('oldContent', btnUpload.html());
btnUpload.html('<img src="'+jsloader.src+'"/>');
onComplete: function(file, response, temp){
$("#<?=$filesManagerCode?>files").load('<?=$boxLink?>', setFilesLimit(<?=$params['filesLimit']?>));
<div id="<?=$filesManagerCode?>upload" class="uploadButton"><span>Upload file</span> <span id="<?=$filesManagerCode?>uploadLimit"></span></div>