Hi I am using laravel jQuery & ajax to return a JSON error as so:
error: function (jqXhr, json, errorThrown) {
var errors = JSON.stringify(jqXhr.responseJSON);
var errorsHtml= '';
$.each( errors, function( key, value ) {
errorsHtml += '<li>' + value[0] + '</li>';
toastr.error( errorsHtml , "Error " + jqXhr.status +': '+ errorThrown);
However I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '209' in {"errors"{"name":["A name is required"],"hours":["Please input a capacity in hours."],"start_date":["Please input a start date."],"end_date":["Please input an end date."]}}
Any ideas, if I use .parse
instead of .stringify
i get the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token j
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong??
Thanks in advance.
var errors = JSON.stringify(jqXhr.responseJSON);
console.log('stringify: '+errors);
normal[object Object]
stringify: {"errors":{"name":["A name is required"],"hours":["Please input a capacity in hours."],"start_date":["Please input a start date."],"end_date":["Please input an end date."]}}
You should use:
is the response already parsed into an object. The JSON you show in the edit will be an object with one property named "errors". You want to loop through the key/values of that property.