I have a route/polygon named "BBB"(figure1,figure2)
in my GMap .Net Windows form Application
.I am drawing route/polygon from mouse and storing all latitudes and longitudes into List<PointLatLng>
.What i want is set of Latitudes and Longitudes between two intersecting points(latitude and longitude).
Note: I have all Latitudes and Longitudes of route/polygon
as well as"CCC"(figure1,figure2)
please let me know if something is not clear.Is there any Library or Api ?
Code: Some Code for Idea
List<PointLatLng> ListOfDragLatLang = new List<PointLatLng>();
PointLatLng StartingLatLng = new PointLatLng();
PointLatLng EndingLatLng = new PointLatLng();
// polygons
GMapPolygon polygon;
readonly GMapOverlay top = new GMapOverlay();
internal readonly GMapOverlay objects = new GMapOverlay("objects");//for storing markers
internal readonly GMapOverlay routes = new GMapOverlay("routes");// for storing routes
internal readonly GMapOverlay polygons = new GMapOverlay("polygons");//for storing polygons
public bool IsErasorCursorVisible { get => _IsErasorCursorVisible; set => _IsErasorCursorVisible = value; }
public bool IsPencilCursorVisible { get => _IsPencilCursorVisible; set => _IsPencilCursorVisible = value; }
public bool IsNormalCursorVisible { get => _IsNormalCursorVisible; set => _IsNormalCursorVisible = value; }
private void MainMap_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
PointLatLng OnMouse = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y);
lblLatitude.Text = OnMouse.Lat.ToString();
lblLongitude.Text = OnMouse.Lng.ToString();
if (IsPencilCursorVisible && IsDrawing)
EndingLatLng = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y);
IsDragging = false;
IsDrawing = false;
MainMap.DragButton = MouseButtons.Right;
//polygon = new GMapPolygon(ListOfDragLatLang, txtZoneName.Text);
//polygon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Black, 3);
//polygon.IsHitTestVisible = true;
//polygon.Stroke.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;
lblTotalPolygonsAdded.Text = polygons.Polygons.Count.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < ListOfDragLatLang.Count; i++)
AddPinPointToPolygon(ListOfDragLatLang[i], i, txtZoneName.Text);
GMarkerGoogle marker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(ListOfDragLatLang.Sum(c => c.Lat) / ListOfDragLatLang.Count, ListOfDragLatLang.Sum(c => c.Lng) / ListOfDragLatLang.Count), GMarkerGoogleType.orange_dot);
marker.ToolTip = new GMapBaloonToolTip(marker);
marker.ToolTipText = txtZoneName.Text;
marker.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Always;
marker.IsVisible = true;
marker.Tag = txtZoneName.Text;
private void MainMap_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
PointLatLng OnMouse = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y);
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
if (IsPencilCursorVisible && IsDrawing)
StartingLatLng = OnMouse;
ListOfPoints.Add(new GPoint(e.X, e.Y));
IsDragging = true;
MainMap.DragButton = MouseButtons.Middle;
currentRoute = new GMapRoute(txtZoneName.Text);
currentRoute.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Black, 3);
currentRoute.IsHitTestVisible = true;
//polygon = new GMapPolygon(ListOfDragLatLang,txtZoneName.Text);
//polygon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Black, 3);
//polygon.IsHitTestVisible = true;
//polygon.Stroke.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;
private void MainMap_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
PointLatLng OnMouse = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y);
lblLatitude.Text = OnMouse.Lat.ToString();
lblLongitude.Text = OnMouse.Lng.ToString();
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
if (IsPencilCursorVisible && IsDrawing)
if (MainMap.IsMouseOverPolygon)
MainMap.Cursor = MainCursor;
MainMap.Cursor = PencilCursor;
IsDragging = true;
ListOfPoints.Add(new GPoint(e.X, e.Y));
lblTotalLatLng.Text = ListOfDragLatLang.Count.ToString();
PointLatLng pnew = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y);
if (CurentRectMarker == null)
int? pIndex = (int?)CurentRectMarker.Tag;
if (pIndex.HasValue)
if (pIndex < currentRoute.Points.Count)
currentRoute.Points[pIndex.Value] = pnew;
//if (pIndex < polygon.Points.Count)
// polygon.Points[pIndex.Value] = pnew;
// MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(polygon);
if (currentMarker.IsVisible)
currentMarker.Position = pnew;
CurentRectMarker.Position = pnew;
if (CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker != null)
CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Position = pnew;
Figure 1
Question:How to get the Latitudes and Longitudes of yellow color edge
in figure 2 between intersecting point "A"
and "B"
Assuming your List is in the correct order
Find the index of the coordinate at point A and B in your List and then create a new list using all points that are between the two indexes.