How to deploy ear into WildFly 8.0 via eclipse IDE

1.3k views Asked by At

I have installed the JBoss AS tools in my eclipse. Then I have created an WildFly 8.0 server. I have parent project pom.xml like below:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





                <!-- compiler plugin -->

And ear project pom.xml is like:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



I defined the trx-server-domain module as jar file and packaged into the lib folder. When run mvn clean install on my parent pom.xml, I got an ear file named trx-server.ear. Then the trx-server.ear file structure is like:

-- trx-server
   -- lib
      -- trx-server-domain-1.0.0.jar
   -- trx-server-services-1.0.0.jar
   -- trx-server-web-1.0.0.war

I can deploy this ear file to WildFly server manually (via web management page). Everything is fine for that.

My problem is when I deploy some changes via Eclipse, I mean via the server adapter. The root web contextRoot is not what I defined in the ear project pom.xml file. And the trx-server-domain will be deploy as EJB which should be a jar file under lib folder.

I got a trx-server-ear.ear folder in the WildFly deployments directory which is not what I wanted. The structures of this folder is:

-- trx-server-domain-1.0.0.jar
-- trx-server-services-1.0.0.jar
-- trx-server-web-1.0.0.war

No lib folder and all jar/war files are in same level.

The problem only exist when I deploy the ear in the Eclipse. Is there any other plungin I should install?

Anyone could give me example of how to configure the ear with multiple modules?


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