I want to download a set of csv files from a S3 subfolder with example path s3://folder/subfolder/date=2023-03-20
. The subfolder has folders containing these csv files, which are created everyday with pattern: /date=<todays date>/
. I am unable to set this pattern in the prefix argument in s3sync function.
Is there a way to add this pattern?
This is my code in R:
key <- "ABCD" # access key ID
secret <- "XYZ" #secret key
Sys.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = key,
### get todays date
today <- as.character(paste('date=',Sys.Date(),sep=""))
s3sync (path=".", bucket="s3://my_bucket",prefix="folder/subfolder/today ", region="Global", direction="download")
I think you are almost there. Try: