How to create AsyncCallback call for Presenter Widget in GWTP?

239 views Asked by At

Ok, we often see people use AsyncCallback for client to call methods from Server. That's easy, even more easy if we use GWTP platform.

My question is how we create AsyncCallback for a presenter widget in GWTP? Thre is no server involved.

Ex, i want to create a ConfirmationPresenter which has 2 buttons (ok & cancel). When user click ok the system will go to onSuccess of AsyncCallback method.

     private AsyncCallback<ConfirmResult> confirmCallback=new AsyncCallback<ConfirmResult>(){

        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

          public void onSuccess(ConfirmResult result) {
               //do something here

to call the above method we can do this:

     Confirmation action=new Confirmation();
     String msg="pls click ok to confirm");
     dispatchAsync.execute(action, confirmCallback);

I just know the basic structure of Async Callback but I don't know how to create it. I can only create it if i use eClipse, but it will create for server call.

If you can provide a very simple example based on GWTP platform then it will be great. Some other examples on internet was not based on GWTP platform & too complicated.


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