How to combine bazel aspects and cc_library

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I want to build a rule that is very similar to cc_proto_library. The key features are that it would apply an aspect to all the transitive proto_library dependencies and generate .cc and .h files for all of the dependencies. In addition it would generate actions that would compile these into object files.

While I understand how I can do the file generation, I don't see how to easily do the object generation. The native module is not available for rule (or aspect) implementations, and I cannot use a macro on top of the aspect as I need the object files to be generated in the same package as the proto_library so that it is generated only once.

cc_proto_library can do this I believe because it is not written in Skylark and thus has access to more primitives. Is there anyway to do this with just Skylark?


There are 1 answers

hlopko On

This is unfortunately currently not possible. There is no Skylark API to the C++ rules/actions (what we call C++ sandwich). We have plans to implement this in Q1 2018. There are many tracking issues, this one looks the most relevant: