How to check .NET Core Framework Runtime & Hosting Bundle is installed in windows server

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I am struggling to know if there any way to check for .NET versions.

On any given server, can we able to check if the following requirements are met? And if they are installed or not.

☐ Install IIS
☐ Install .NET Core Framework Runtime & Hosting Bundle [1.1]
☐ Install .NET Core Framework Runtime & Hosting Bundle [2.2] 
☐ Install .NET core 1.1 Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows (v1.1.13)
☐ Install .NET Standard Framework Runtime >= 4.7.1
☐ Install PowerShell >= 5
☐ Install Google Chrome

I have tried some of the code which I can check individually for some of the program. it gives me output if it installed, but i need the way to check all .NET related things here.

for IIS

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp"  | findstr VersionString

for Powershell

powershell -command "(Get-Variable PSVersionTable -ValueOnly).PSVersion.Major"

for Chrome

reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Chrome\BLBeacon"

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