How to change the ProgressBarTrackHeight height in WinUI 3?

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I want to change the height of the ProgressBarTrackHeight of the progressbar in WinUI-3. I dont know how to do it please help me with a code example.

<ProgressBar Width="130" Value="30" />



There are 1 answers

Andrew KeepCoding On BEST ANSWER

There's an issue about this in the GitHub repo.

As a workaround, until the issue gets fixed, you can create a custom ProgressBar:

public class CustomProgressBar : ProgressBar
    private long _heightPropertyChangedCallBackToken;

    public CustomProgressBar() : base()
        Loaded += OnLoaded;
        Unloaded += OnUnloaded;

    private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        _heightPropertyChangedCallBackToken = RegisterPropertyChangedCallback(HeightProperty, OnHeightPropertyChanged);

    private void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        UnregisterPropertyChangedCallback(HeightProperty, _heightPropertyChangedCallBackToken);

    private void ApplyHeight()
        foreach (FrameworkElement element in this.FindDescendants()
            .Where(x => x is Grid or Rectangle))
            element.Height = Height;

    private void OnHeightPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyProperty dp)

Now the Height property should just work:

    Value="30" />

Note that FindDescendants is from the CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Extensions NuGet package.


In the GitHub repo, a better option was suggested for the case that you won't change the Height dynamically. Instead of creating a custom ProgressBar, you just need to set the MinHeight:

        <x:Double x:Key="ProgressBarTrackHeight">50</x:Double>
        MinHeight="{StaticResource ProgressBarTrackHeight}"
        Value="70" />