How to change quickfixj charset encoding for logs?

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I use quickfixj with wildfly Java EE server. I'd like to have fix logs to be merged with application log. But there is the "^A" delimiter. Is there a way to set encoding to UTF for quickfixj engine? I'll appreciate any help.


There are 3 answers

Frank Smith On BEST ANSWER

It doesn't sound like UTF encoding. The "^A" character is SOH, the delimiter between FIX tag=value fields. If you'd like to see a different character you can modify the QFJ logging component to convert the SOH characters to something different (like a "|") before writing the data to the log.

Grant Birchmeier On

The "^A" character is actually the ASCII SOH (0x01) character, which is what FIX uses as the field separator. It's just what FIX uses. It's in the FIX spec.

(Not sure why you think it's a Windows charset character. It's not.)

It would be trivial to create a small script (perhaps with sed) to do a find-and-replace if you really want to replace the SOH characters with something else.

Vadim Chapko On

If you prefer sed to tr, tail -f foo.log | sed 's/0x01/|/g' should also work.

Best! --- Vadim