my problem is how to call a existing method from another object with button specific parameters. This is the method I need to call ( from MainWindow):
partial class Sidebar : Window
internal void SetPosition(System.Drawing.Rectangle workingarea, bool left)
Overlay.Properties.Settings.Default.SidebarSide = left;
Overlay.Properties.Settings.Default.Top = this.Top = workspace.Top;
Overlay.Properties.Settings.Default.Left = this.Left = workspace.Left;
this.Height = workspace.Height;
this.Width = workspace.Width;
timeGrid.Style = gridStyle;
and following is the method for creating buttons (and more) for each Screen connected to the machine
class SettingsWindow : Window
private void SidebarTab_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
Canvas monitorCanvas = new Canvas();
System.Windows.Forms.Screen currentScreen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(
new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle);
System.Windows.Forms.Screen[] screens = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens;
Point min = new Point(0,0);
Point max = new Point(0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++)
min.X = min.X < screens[i].Bounds.X ? min.X : screens[i].Bounds.X;
min.Y = min.Y < screens[i].Bounds.Y ? min.Y : screens[i].Bounds.Y;
max.X = max.X > (screens[i].Bounds.X + screens[i].Bounds.Width) ? max.X : (screens[i].Bounds.X + screens[i].Bounds.Width);
max.Y = max.Y > (screens[i].Bounds.Y + screens[i].Bounds.Height) ? max.Y : (screens[i].Bounds.Y + screens[i].Bounds.Height);
for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++)
Border monitor = new Border();
monitor.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
monitor.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
Canvas.SetTop(monitor, (screens[i].Bounds.Top - min.Y) / scale);
Canvas.SetLeft(monitor, (screens[i].Bounds.Left - min.X) / scale);
monitor.Width = screens[i].Bounds.Width / scale;
monitor.Height = screens[i].Bounds.Height / scale;
DockPanel dp = new DockPanel();
Button monLeft = new Button();
monLeft.Width = scale;
DockPanel.SetDock(monLeft, Dock.Left);
Button monRight = new Button();
monRight.Width = scale;
DockPanel.SetDock(monRight, Dock.Right);
As you see, I need two buttons for every screen on the machine.
monLeft.Click = SetPosition(screens[i].WorkingArea, true);
monRight.Click = SetPosition(screens[i].WorkingArea, true);
is what I need.
Thanks in advance.
Use a lambda to define the event handler. This allows you to close over the local variable(s) that you'll need in your handler.
Note that closures close over variables, not values, so you don't want to close over
(it won't be the value that you want it to be by the time the event fires). You'll need to make a copy of the loop variable inside of the loop so that you can close over that instead. Well, that or use aforeach
loop (in C# 5.0+) instead of afor