I'm using a rigidbody in Unity3D which is under constant, not changeing acceleration. The rigidbody can have a drag value of > 0. Now I'm trying to figure out how long it will take for the object to reach a certain speed. I understand that finding the time it takes to reach terminal velocity might not be all that useful, so I'm also interested in finding the time needed to reach a certain percentage of terminal velocity.
Known values include mass, force applied to the rigidbody, terminal velocity and drag. I'm mainly looking for a solution that ignores gravity, but I'm also very interested in one that doesn't.
I hope you can help me with that, because the only thing I learned from google is that I really should take a few math classes... :/
With Time in seconds, Speed in m/s and Acceleration in m/s/s, with Acceleration being a constant and Speed being known
Time = Speed/(Acceleration - Drag)
If Drag is a constant as a reaction to the acceleration
If I'm not mistaken...