How to align vis-line bar and the left side

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I need to make vis-line bigger (like 10px) and the vis-box left 10px as well so that the vis-line and vis-box can align left correctly just like one vertical line

.vis-item.vis-line { 
  position: absolute; 
  border-width: 10px; 
  border-color: red; 

.vis-item.vis-box {
   border-width: 1;
   text-align: left !important;
   background-color: transparent !important;
   border-left-width: 10px;
   border-color: red;

var container = document.getElementById('visualization');

var items = new vis.DataSet([
 {id: 4, className:'item4', content: 'item 4', start: '2016-01-16'},
 {id: 5, className:'item5', content: 'item 5', start: '2016-02-23'},
 {id: 6, className:'item6', content: 'item 6', start: '2016-03-27'}

 var options = {
// showCurrentTime: true,
 align: 'left',
 orientation: {axis: 'both', item: 'top'}, 
 height: 400,
 margin: {
     axis: 100
var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, items, options);

see the url but vis-line is 5px left than the vis-box left side. I need advice on how to make the vis-line and vis-box left side can align vertically.


There are 1 answers

Jos de Jong On

This will be fixed in the first next release, see