I would like to added a marginal space between groups of box plots by using the stats_summary
Here is a small example of my problem
data1 <- (lapply(letters[1:5], function(l1) return(matrix(rt(5*3, 1), nrow = 5, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(cat2=letters[6:10], cat3=letters[11:13])))))
names(data1) <- letters[1:5]
data2 <- melt(data1)
customstats <- function(x) {
xs <- sort(x)
return(c(ymin=min(x), lower= mean(xs[xs < mean(x)]), middle = mean(x) , upper = mean(xs[xs > mean(x)]), ymax=max(x)))
ggplot(data2, aes(x=cat2, y=value, fill=cat3), width=2) +
stat_summary(fun.data = customstats, geom = "boxplot",
alpha = 0.5, position = position_dodge(1), mapping = aes(fill=cat3))
The result is the following picture.
I would like to achieve a visual separation for each "cat2" and add a "space" between the group of boxplots (I'm retricted to using the stats_summary
since I have a custom statistic). How can I do it?
I have fixed a similar problem in an ugly (but effective for me) way by creating a dataframe with the same plotting variables as my original data, but with x (or y) positioned or factored that it fits between the two points I want to separate and missing values for y (or x). For your problem, I added the following code and got an image with spacial separation of clusters.
Before & after