I'm creating the element for rich text toolbar button for wp blockeditor that will create an option to wrap the selected text into span tag. Now what I want is to add an ID attribute into the span tag. And inside the ID attribute the value will be random generated.
Required html output: <span id="ABC123abc">Some Text</span>
var AddAnchorButton = function(props) {
return wp.element.createElement(
wp.blockEditor.RichTextToolbarButton, {
icon: 'admin-links',
title: 'Add Anchor',
onClick: function() {
props.value, { type: 'anchor-format/add-anchor-button' }
isActive: props.isActive,
'anchor-format/add-anchor-button', {
title: 'Add Anchor',
tagName: 'span',
className: null,
edit: AddAnchorButton,
I struggled with this also, here is my Solution: