How to access HAL _links within _embedded resources with JavaScript / AngularJS

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I appreciate there are several libraries to work with HATEOAS linkrels in HAL format, but I would love to learn more about accessing _embedded resource(s) and its _links in the most basic - or I guess I should say naive - way.

As an example, I have the following "usersResource" ($http) Spring HATEOAS output:



If I run something simple like usersResource.$hasEmbedded("userList") or usersResource.$hasLink("create"), I get true with no problems.

If I then try something more adventurous like usersResource.$request().$get("userList") I get a resource object back but I'm struggling to use that object in any meaningful way.

For instance, if I wanted to check if the "password" linkrel exists for my admin user, is there any way I could use the returned resource object and call $hasLink on it?

Thanks for comments!


There are 1 answers


So anyways, I only later noticed that the object returned by the usersResource.$request().$get("userList") call is an array. So then it's just a matter of looping through the array to get to the $hasLink etc. methods. In my case, I just needed to get to the first [index 0] object. This did the trick:

            .then(function (users) {

                vm.users = users;

                console.log("$hasLink 'delete'");
                console.log(users[0].$hasLink("delete")); //return true
