After user give respond to Alexa we capture that in slots, then how can we access that responses in audio format directly in Alexa skill?
For example : User -> run survey skill , Alexa -> Sure , first tell me how are you? , User -> Well, I am doing good.
In this example i want to access audio format of user response " Well, I am doing good." in raw audio format without speech-to-text processing with original tone and sarcasm of user for further use.
user_response = context.request.intent.slots["user_response"].value
# Generate a TTS audio response.
tts_audio_response = ask_sdk_core.speech.synthesize(user_response)
# Return the TTS audio response to Alexa.
response = context.response
I tried this code but how can i access it not getting?
I don't believe your skill can access the user's raw audio input or any of its emotion / tone / metadata. Skill input is limited to the intent that the input matched and a text representation of any slot values they provided.