How should we resolve SampleExtraction Error in LogQL? We want to find maximum value of field after grouping the data in LogQL

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We already have info on the count of requests which has response time greater than 3000ms. Now we have to find out the max response time from those requests. Example:
|**Request**| **Count**|
|Req1 | 5 |
|Req2 | 3 |

So we want to know for Req1, out of 5 what is the max response time using LogQL? We tried the below Query:

max_over_time({application="xxx",namespace="xxx"} | json | message_app="xxxxx" | message_env="xxx" | unwrap message_duration | message_duration > 3000ms [48h]) by (message_path)

But getting below error: Query error pipeline error: 'SampleExtractionErr' for series: '{error="SampleExtractionErr", application="xxx", level="xxx", message_app="xxx", message_duration="6.882514ms", message_env="xx", message_path="/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/test1.html?RN=24.0.0_b0017", namespace="xxx", origin="xxxx"}'. Use a label filter to intentionally skip this error. (e.g | error!="SampleExtractionErr"). To skip all potential errors you can match empty errors.(e.g error="") The label filter can also be specified after unwrap. (e.g | unwrap latency | error="" )


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