How set golang function as a callback function to .net aot

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I have a project at work, the main program is written in Golang, and there is a shared library written in C# .Net AOT.

In the project, functions need to be called between Golang code and C# .Net AOT.

The specific content is to pass a Golang function to C# as a callback function and call it in C#. But when I tested, I found that the function didn't work properly.

Here is my test code:

in c#:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CSharp_Go
    public unsafe class Export
        private static delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<int, int, int> _addDel;
        [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "SetAddFunc")]
        public static void SetAddFunc(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<int, int, int> addDel)
            _addDel = addDel;

        private static delegate* unmanaged<int> _testFun;
        [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "SetTestFunc")]
        public static void SetTestFunc(delegate* unmanaged<int> testFun)
            _testFun = testFun;

        [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "Test")]
        public static int Test()
            int res = _testFun();
            Console.WriteLine($"in c# Test res:{res}");
            return res;
        [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "Add")]
        public static int Add(int a, int b)
            Console.WriteLine($"in c# Add a:{a}, b:{b}");
            int res = 0;
            if (null != _addDel)
                res = _addDel(a, b);
                Console.WriteLine($"in c# Add res:{res}, a:{a}, b:{b}");
            return res;

Compilation command: dotnet publish -p:NativeLib=Shared -r win-x64 -c Debug

the Go code:

package main

import (

func Sum(a, b int32) int32 {
    //fmt.Printf("a:%d, b:%d\n", a, b)
    res := a + b
    return res

func main() {
    f := Sum
    ptrValue := reflect.ValueOf(f)
    ptr := unsafe.Pointer(ptrValue.Pointer())
    addr := uintptr(ptr)
    fmt.Printf("Func Addr: %v\n", addr)

    var input string

    var aValue int32 = int32(1)
    var bValue int32 = int32(2)
    var a uintptr = uintptr(aValue)
    var b uintptr = uintptr(bValue)

    ptrVa := &aValue
    ptrA := &a
    fmt.Printf("va:%v, a: %v\n", ptrVa, ptrA)
    t := func() int32 {
        //fmt.Println(aValue, bValue)
        //pa := (*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(aValue)))
        //a := *pa
        return aValue + bValue
    ptrT := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(t).Pointer()))
    fmt.Printf("Func Addr: %v\n", ptrT)

    fmt.Println("Hello go c#")
    maindll := syscall.NewLazyDLL("CSharp_Go.dll")

    setTestFunc := maindll.NewProc("SetTestFunc")
    test := maindll.NewProc("Test")

    //cb := syscall.NewCallback(t)
    r1, r2, err := setTestFunc.Call(ptrT)
    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)

    r1, r2, err = test.Call()
    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)

    setAddFunc := maindll.NewProc("SetAddFunc")
    add := maindll.NewProc("Add")

    r1, r2, err = setAddFunc.Call(addr)
    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)

    r1, r2, err = add.Call(a, b)

    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)

I implemented a simple Add(int a, int b) function for testing. The input parameters were 1 and 2, the result should be 3 but it was not. When I was debugging, I found that the parameter list of the callback function was not 1 and 2, but some strange numbers. And I tried two calling conventions, Stdcall and Cdecl, but they couldn't solve this problem.

What is the reason for this and how to solve it?


Here is the full output log

Func Addr: 15405888



va:0xc00000e128, a: 0xc00000e130

Func Addr: 15410016

Hello go c#

2259596893072 2260255909544 The operation completed successfully.

in c# Test res:12144

12144 0 The operation completed successfully.

2259596893072 15405888 The operation completed successfully.

in c# Add a:1, b:2

in c# Add res:31533024, a:1, b:2

31533024 0 The operation completed successfully.


There are 1 answers


It needs to use cgo to export the go function

package main

extern int sum(int, int);
//static inline void CallMyFunction(int a, int b) {
//    sum(a, b);
import "C"
import (

//export sum
func sum(a, b {
    res := a + b
    fmt.Println(a, "+", b , "=", res )
    return res

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello go c#")
    var input string

    //C.CallMyFunction(3, 4)

    var aValue int32 = int32(3)
    var bValue int32 = int32(4)
    var a uintptr = uintptr(aValue)
    var b uintptr = uintptr(bValue)

    f := C.sum
    ptrValue := reflect.ValueOf(f)
    ptr := unsafe.Pointer(ptrValue.Pointer())
    addr := uintptr(ptr)
    fmt.Printf("Func Addr: %v\n", addr)

    maindll := syscall.NewLazyDLL("CSharp_Go.dll")
    //maindll := syscall.NewLazyDLL("Cpp_Go.dll")
    setAddFunc := maindll.NewProc("SetAddFunc")
    add := maindll.NewProc("Add")

    r1, r2, err := setAddFunc.Call(addr)
    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)

    r1, r2, err = add.Call(a, b)
    fmt.Println(r1, r2, err)


the output is:

Func Addr: 13049808

1640739134368 1641397561016 The operation completed successfully.

in c# Add a:3, b:4

3 + 4 = 7

in c# Add res:7, a:3, b:4

7 0 The operation completed successfully.