How scrapy write in log while running spider?

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While running scrapy spider, I am seeing that the log message has "DEBUG:" which has 1. DEBUG: Crawled (200) (GET (referer: None) 2. DEBUG: Scraped from (200

I want to know that 1. what to those "Crawled" and "Scraped from" meant for? 2. From where those above both ULRs returned from(i.e. while scraping page which variable/argument has holding those URLs)


There are 1 answers

Frank Martin On BEST ANSWER

Let me try to explain based on the Scrapy Sample Code shown on the Scrapy Website. I saved this in a file

from scrapy import Spider, Item, Field

class Post(Item):
    title = Field()

class BlogSpider(Spider):
    name, start_urls = 'blogspider', ['']

    def parse(self, response):
        return [Post(title=e.extract()) for e in response.css("h2 a::text")]

Executing this with the command scrapy runspider it will produce the following output:

DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET> (referer: None) ['partial']
DEBUG: Scraped from <200>
    {'title': u'Using git to manage vacations in a large distributed\xa0team'}
DEBUG: Scraped from <200>
    {'title': u'Gender Inequality Across Programming\xa0Languages'}

Crawled means: scrapy has downloaded that webpage.

Scraped means: scrapy has extracted some data from that webpage.

The URL is given in the script as start_urls parameter.

Your output must have been generated by running a spider. Search the file where that spider is defined and you should be able to spot the place where the url is defined.