I am new in hybris please tell me anyone how many type of "extension" hybris have?
How many type of "extension" hybris have?
4.7k views Asked by Fajruddin Sk At
There are 5 answers

Actually there are two different types of extensions in Hybris:
- Web extensions (webmodule) which expose an access url : yacceleratorstorefront, hmc, ...
- Core extensions (coremodule) which basically contains logics : platform, yacceleratorcore, yacceleratorfacades,...
Note: And also some extensions can be both web and core at the same time.

Hybris Commerce comes with the following extensions, which you can use as a template for new extensions:
- yempty
- ycockpit
- yaddon
- ybackoffice
- yacceleratorcore
- yacceleratorfacades
- yacceleratorstorefront
- yacceleratorcockpits
- yacceleratorinitialdata
- yacceleratortest
- ycommercewebservices
- yacceleratorordermanagement
- yacceleratorfulflmentprocess
- yatddtests
- ycommercewebserviceshmc
- ycommercewebservicestest
- ygroovy
- yoccaddon
- ysaporderfulfillment
- ysapordermgmtb2baddon
- ysapproductconfigb2baddon
- yscala
- yhacext

I would say that depends on your config...
according to the previous comments you got you may also have a look at the documentation by SAP https://help.hybris.com
There is a complete capture about Getting started, Creating new Extensions with the core trail and so on. It may help you as well to understand which extensions are possible in which configuration-set according to the accelerator you've chosen and stuff :)
All hybris extensions have the same minimal structure :
So there is only one type of extension.
You can then make some different "group" of extension :