How do I enable unified audit on oracle DB which is placed in a docker container?

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I created an oracle database on docker container using the following command:

docker run -d --name oracle -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521

The db params are:
hostname: localhost
port: 1521
sid: xe
service name: xe
username: system
password: oracle

I would like to enable unified audit, perform a query such as SELECT and see it on the audit log.

I have access to this DB with sqlplus using the following command:

sqlplus system/oracle@//localhost:1521/xe

or via the app dbeaver.

First issue: According to what I have found, in order to enable unified audit I need to Shutdown the database. This can be done by using sqlplus and running the next command:

 shutdown immediate

When I did that, the action has failed because: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Is there any way that I could just run a regular query to enable the unified audit? Do I have to shut it off before? Is there any way that I could do all that I want just with running queries? ( enable, create audit and view actions)


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