I have an asp:TextBox that I need to convert to a FreeTextBox. The following is my asp:TextBox aspx code:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="FTB" Namespace="FreeTextBoxControls" Assembly="FreeTextBox" %>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbxRiskDesc" runat="server" Width="90%" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="6" onblur="Resize(this);" onkeypress="Resize(this);" ></asp:TextBox>
<rad:RadSpell ID="spellRiskDesc" runat="server" Width="5px" ControlToCheck="tbxRiskDesc" WordIgnoreOptions="UPPERCASE" FragmentIgnoreOptions="EmailAddresses,Urls" DictionaryLanguage="en-AU" SupportedLanguages="en-AU,English" AllowAddCustom="true" DictionaryPath="~/RadControls/Spell/TDF/" SpellCheckProvider="EditDistanceProvider" EditDistance="2" ButtonType="ImageButton" />
The following code is in the aspx.cs code:
tbxRiskDesc.Attributes.Add("onchange", "setDirty();");
SetTextCurrentValue(tbxRiskDesc, dtEditTable, "RiskDesc");
SetTextValue(tbxRiskDesc, "RISK TITLE & DESC.:");
When I replace the "asp:TextBox" code in the aspx file with the following, the code behind has errors and i dont know how to change the code for the FreeTextBox for the Page_Load, Reset_Data & Clear_Data sections.
<FTB:FreeTextBox ID="tbxRiskDesc" runat="server"></FTB:FreeTextBox>
The reason for the change over is because we need to allow the users to put bullet points and hyperlinks into the text boxes.
All help is appreciated.
You have two options:
Using the RadEditor's get_contentAreaElement() method you can get a reference to RadEditor's iframe content area element and after that to get a reference to the body tag of the iframe:
var editorSource = $find('RadEditor1').get_contentAreaElement().contentWindow.document.body;
You should see in the FreeTextBox documentation or forums how to get a reference to the body element and update the above line in the provided in the forum article custom text source code.