I want to show some .html files from an isolatedStorage, the files are located in (MainFolder -> subFolder1 -> SubFolder2 -> page1.html).
How can I take that page1.html page from mainpage.xaml to secondpage.xaml and show on webControl browser?
In brief:
My secondPage.xaml contains a web Browser control so on that I want to show that page1.html from mainpage.xaml, my page is located into above storage location.
So finally i have a proper answer for my question. my requirement was take values from isoalated Storage form Mainpage.xaml and show on SecondPage.xaml's web-browser control. And this all i wanted on selection a image from ListBox control which is set on the MainPage.xaml.
So code is following along with inline documentation i have mentioned to making out the scenario.
You should use OnNavigated Event for fetching the values from MainPage.xaml, my requirement was different so i have shown in my PhoneApplciation_Loaded event.