I use Firemokey 10.2. In macOS, internally when you move your from from a normal display to a retina display it automatically changes style of the controls. I would like to stop this message which is TScaleChangedMessage. I would appreciate If you could help me how can I stop this message in my app. In other word how can I stop changing from normal styles to High-Resolution Styles
How can I stop changing style in firemonkey in ScaleChanged message
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There are 2 answers

The easiest way would be to create a copy of the FMX.Platform.Mac unit, and modify the TFMXWindow.windowDidChangeBackingProperties method so that the message is never sent, e.g:
procedure TFMXWindow.windowDidChangeBackingProperties(notification: NSNotification);
// if (Application = nil) or (Application.Terminated) then
// Exit;
// try
// TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SendMessage(nil, TScaleChangedMessage.Create(Wnd), True);
// except
// HandleException(Self);
// end;
i.e. just comment out everything in it
Unfortunately if you're using Delphi 10.2 Update 1, it means you'll need to include all the FMX units in the project path (so that they're also recompiled), due to this issue:
I found the solution, changing this function
function TMacWindowHandle.GetScale: Single; begin //Result := Wnd.backingScaleFactor result := 1; end;
will solve this problem :)