I am currently modifying a project from the roboflow/supervision repository (https://github.com/roboflow/supervision/tree/develop/examples/traffic_analysis), but I am having a hard time counting the classes for each vehicle correctly. When both a bus and a car are detected simultaneously, the counter increases for both (I really don't know why).
My code:
class DetectionsManager:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.tracker_id_to_zone_id: Dict[int, int] = {}
self.counts: Dict[int, Dict[int, Set[int]]] = {}
self.counts_car = 0
self.counts_bus = 0
self.unique_detect_ids: Dict[int, Set[int]] = {}
def update(
detections_all: sv.Detections,
detections_in_zones: List[sv.Detections],
detections_out_zones: List[sv.Detections],
) -> sv.Detections:
for zone_in_id, detections_in_zone in enumerate(detections_in_zones):
for tracker_id in detections_in_zone.tracker_id:
self.tracker_id_to_zone_id.setdefault(tracker_id, zone_in_id)
for zone_out_id, detections_out_zone in enumerate(detections_out_zones):
for tracker_id in detections_out_zone.tracker_id:
if tracker_id in self.tracker_id_to_zone_id:
zone_in_id = self.tracker_id_to_zone_id[tracker_id]
self.counts.setdefault(zone_out_id, {})
self.counts[zone_out_id].setdefault(zone_in_id, set())
if hasattr(detections_out_zone, 'tracker_id'):
for tracker_id in enumerate(detections_out_zone.tracker_id):
# detect_id = detections_out_zone.class_id
# if detect_id not in self.unique_detect_ids.get(tracker_id, set()):
# self.unique_detect_ids.setdefault(tracker_id, set()).add(detect_id)
# if detect_id == 1:
# self.counts_car += 1
# elif detect_id == 0:
# self.counts_bus += 1
for detect_id in detections_out_zone.class_id:
if detect_id not in self.unique_detect_ids.get(tracker_id, set()):
self.unique_detect_ids.setdefault(tracker_id, set()).add(detect_id)
if detect_id == 1:
self.counts_car += 1
elif detect_id == 0:
self.counts_bus += 1