After several tries, I finally could obtained a unique figure with several normal distributions. In those distributions, the 1sd was also drawn as vertical rectangles. The code I used is this one:
remap<-function(x, to, from=range(x)) {
(x-from[1]) / (from[2]-from[1]) * (to[2]-to[1]) + to[1]
plot(NA, NA, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", type="n", xlim=scale, ylim=scale, xlab="Variable X", ylab="")
rect(remap(134-20, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
remap(134+20, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#ff606025")
rect(remap(130-14, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
remap(130+14, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(132-12, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
remap(132+12, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(105-10, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
remap(105+10, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(183, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
remap(183, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="darkblue", lwd=3,lty=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), a1, col="#ff6060", lwd=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), b1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3, lty=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), c1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), d1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3,lty=3)
axis(1, at=remap(pretty(x1), scale), pretty(x1))
I got the next figure after running the code:
But my question is: how can I color only the area below each normal distribution, instead of doing vertical rectangles?
It would be much easier to interpret.
Thanks in advance!
Here's another version using