HM-10: maybe some AT commands are not implemented?

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I'm developing a project with PIC dsPIC33 connected via serial port to the HM-10 device. I send to the device AT commands but it seems that some of AT commands are not implemented in the HM-10 firmware. In detail:

AT+RESET - > OK+RESET       : it works
AT+RENEW  -> OK+RENEW       : it works
AT+NAME?  -> OK+NAME:HMSoft : it works
AT+VER?   -> no answer      : it doesn't work
AT+VERS   -> no answer      : it doesn't work
AT+NAMEaa -> no answer      : it doesn't work

did you have similar problem ? Thank you very much for your help and cooperation kind regards


There are 2 answers

Thorsten Dittmar On BEST ANSWER

Have a look at the datasheet. There are no AT+VER? or AT+VERS commands. They are AT+VERR? and AT+VERS?.

I did some tests with a HC-06 and some commands needed a CR, some did not. Maybe that's your problem, too?

I used this code in an Arduino sketch to set up the BT device name for a HC-06:

// Enter AT command mode
if (enterATCommandMode() == true)
    // Set the name. As we don't have an end-of-line mark, we need to wait until the
    // timeout is reached and hope for the best. We also check whether the reply starts
    // with "OK", so have at least some indication things worked.
    hc06.print("AT+NAME" + userInput);
    String reply = hc06.readString();
    if (reply.equals(""))
      Serial.println(F("HC-06 didn't reply in time!"));
      if (reply.length() < 2 || !reply.substring(0,2).equalsIgnoreCase(F("OK")))
        Serial.println("Unexpected answer ('" + reply + "') to AT+NAME command!");
        Serial.println(F("Name was set successfully."));

bool enterATCommandMode()
  // This buffer receives at most 2 characters as the reply (plus terminating \0)
  char atReplyBuffer[] = { '\0', '\0', '\0' };

  // Send AT command and receive answer
  int bytesRead = hc06.readBytesUntil('\0', atReplyBuffer, 2);
  String reply = String(atReplyBuffer);

  // Timed out or answer wasn't OK? Error.
  if (bytesRead != 2 || !reply.equalsIgnoreCase(F("OK")))
    if (reply.equals(""))
      Serial.println(F("HC-06 didn't reply in time!"));
      Serial.println("Unexpected reply ('" + reply + "') to AT command");

    return false;

  // Success
  return true;
Ferrari On

Command must be sent without any pause! (I suppose). If I use the following code: (suppose that send8char *x) is the function that writes to the serial port)

send("myName"); // id doesn't work

char name[20];     
send(name); // if works!!