hide checkbox on particular date using moment and angular js

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I want to hide a checkbox on a certain date for example 17 Nov using AngularJS and MomentJS. I used a function

$scope.today = moment('2017-11-17').toDate();
$scope.checkNov = function(value) {
  if (moment().diff(value, 'day') == 0 && moment().diff(value, 'month') == 0 && moment().diff(value, 'year') == 0) return true;

and called it on div for checkbox

<div ng-hide="checkNov(today)">
<input type="checkbox"></div>

the function is returning value=true that will give ng-hide="true" then it should hide. But it is still visible.

Also how to check for exact date comparision using Moment.JS? Because when I checked using console.log it is working for 18 nov as well.

Thank you.


There are 1 answers

Dhana Sekar On

You could try this for the exact date comparison http://momentjs.com/docs/#/query/is-same/