I'm trying to add a dependency to JasperReports to my project (Tried SBT and Maven), but seems one dependency is broken. I'm using the latest version 6.1.0 from the maven repo (also tested with previous ones and same issue).
I also added the Jasper repository since the itext libs need to be grabbed from there.
But I keep getting these errors: [info] Resolving org.codehaus.castor#castor-xml;1.3.3 ... [warn] problem while downloading module descriptor: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/codehaus/castor/castor-xml/1.3.3/castor-xml-1.3.3.pom: invalid sha1: expected=c9d4075aabdeb9f81ba16455c5dadf2c1f687cb1 computed=a0bc9174f01de7be6d5bdcec580e6a3b999674ec (108ms) [warn] module not found: org.codehaus.castor#castor-xml;1.3.3
And: [info] Resolving org.olap4j#olap4j; ... [warn] module not found: org.olap4j#olap4j;
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: org.codehaus.castor#castor-xml;1.3.3: not found
[warn] :: org.olap4j#olap4j; not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Is there any other repository hosting these?
UPDATE: I managed to find the olap dependency at: https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/artifactory/third-party-ce-artifacts/
Still having problems getting the castor one though.
The answer above worked for us...for a while. It appears that the provided URL (http://jaspersoft.artifactoryonline.com/jaspersoft/third-party-ce-artifacts) is giving 404's now. The new URL below is our current fix.