Project use ExoPlayer2 with "extension-ima" library for playing video with VAST ad. So player configured with ImaAdsLoader instance, with provided AdEvent.AdEventListener. This listener catch events in overriden method "onAdEvent" like this
override fun onAdEvent(adEvent: AdEvent) {
when (val currentEvent = adEvent.type) {
AdEvent.AdEventType.ICON_TAPPED -> {
// process some action
Logcat print message with tag IMASDK "Received ICON_TAPPED event without icon click fallback image list."
In this some action I need manually start FallbackImageActivity on TV devices (if I understand google documentation correctly)
But this activity get parcelable data from bundle by "icon_click_fallback_images" key.
So how I can get this data (with list of IconClickFallbackImage)? Or can I start this activity with some AdsLoader or Exoplayer callback? Google library parse VAST tag correctly, because icon was rendered on AD, but clicks on icon only call listener method.