Handle JWT token with private pages in sails js

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I want to increase restriction in my system.Then I used JWT token.then i preferred statellizer for the front-end.

once user log into the system.it will generate token like this


But case is when user successfully log into the system.It will redirect to the dashboard but token did n't bind with the request.

other request are working properly only case in the dashboard.

login function in Controller

         $scope.authLogin = function () {
             email: $scope.email, password: $scope.password
             toastr.success('Successfully login ', 'Message', {
               closeButton: true
             window.location = '/dashboard';
           }).catch(function onError() {
               toastr.error('Invalid email/password combination.', 'Error', {
                 closeButton: true

routes file

'/login'  : { view: 'static/login'},
'/signup' : { view : 'static/signup'},
'/'       : { view: 'static/login' },
'GET /dashboard' : 'PageController.showDashboard', 

policies file

    authLog : true
   // signUp : true

  'PageController': {
    '*': ['jwtAuth']

I want to make it like anyone can't access dashboard without token.I hope my question is clear.



There are 1 answers

Thusithz On

Way of I tried,That is wrong because when we called GET /dashboard function then could n't bind token with request.This method perfectly work with session.

I used following method.It work for me.This is more convenient to handle JWT with sails.

json-web-tokens-examples with sails